Dick Strawbridge and Angel Adoree became household names with their Escape to the Chateau series after they...
The Grand Tour's final instalment will soon be hitting screens, with beloved trio James May, Jeremy Clarkson...
BBC investigators probing complaints made by Amanda Abbington previously told the actress they “fully believed her cl...
Strictly Come Dancing is returning to screens later this month following a year of controversy regarding claims...
Sir Tom Jones sparked a flood of social media complaints from ITV's The Voice viewers after it...
ITV's The Voice continued on Saturday, with Sir Tom Jones, will.i.am, LeAnn Rimes, Tom Fletcher and Danny...
James May will soon be on screens in the final instalment of The Grand Tour, which he...
Giovanni Pernice has made headlines throughout the year after the 34-year-old dancer was caught up in the...
Clarkson's Farm has become a huge hit since it first debuted on screens in 2021, and part...
Giovanni Pernice is "thrilled" to have joined Italy's Strictly Come Dancing following his exit from the BBC...