Ed Balls and Susanna Reid welcomed disgruntled pub landlord Michael Westwood onto Wednesday’s Good Morning Britain to discuss why he felt the need to launch a petition calling for another General Election.
After just five months in power, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and his Labour government have faced calls to announce another election by over 2.75million people who’ve signed Westwood’s petition.
The government has come under fire of late due to its measures on the winter fuel payments for the elderly, changes to inheritance tax in the agricultural industry, questions marks over Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ CV, and several other contentious policy issues.
Since the petition was launched, several high-profile names have seemingly endorsed the message, including X owner Elon Musk and legendary British actor, Michael Caine.
Starmer was even quizzed on the petition’s momentum earlier this week during an interview on ITV This Morning, although not everyone was best pleased with the grilling he received from hosts Andi Peters and Cat Deeley.
On Wednesday, ITV welcomed Westwood onto its flagship breakfast show but it’s safe to say several viewers were unhappy that Balls was one-half of the duo employed to question the landlord.
A former Shadow Chancellor and Labour politician, Balls is also married to the current Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper.
Therefore, it was almost inevitable to some viewers that the GMB host’s line of questioning may be perceived in favour of Starmer and the Labour Party.
“Did you call for a petition for the last parliament?” Balls grilled Westwood at one point in the interview.
Westwood explained: “I think when you look through the years that they [the Conservatives] went through – with Covid, with wars breaking out, with Brexit… did they do a good job? They didn’t. Did they do a terrible job -“
But he was soon interrupted by Balls who quizzed: “They thought migration would go down, it went up.
“Is that a different kind of broken promise? If the Tories broke promises, is that not as bad as if Labour breaks them?” he asked with a wry smile.
Westwood stood firm, however: “Not at all. I’m not a specific Tory voter. I will sit down at a General Election and try and use common sense and say, ‘Right, who’s got the best policies that mean (something) to me’, and every single person in the UK thinks the same.
“We all look and vote on a personal basis,” Westwood added which prompted Balls to concede: “Of course.”
The landlord went on: “All I wanted to do is to get this petition out there to say the current Government – and previous governments – have lied to get into power… should these people not be held accountable for that?”
Before Balls could interject, Reid stepped in: “I think what you’re representing is you’re the voice of a voter trying to do – it’s quite remarkable what you’ve managed to do.
“You’ve got this petition that is almost at three million, and you’ve had the backing of Elon Musk, what happened when you found out he tweeted you?”
Westwood replied: “My reaction was wow. Elon Musk, Michael Caine… I had a phone call with Nigel Farage yesterday saying, ‘I think you’re doing great work, keep it up’.”
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As soon as the interview aired, social media was awash with viewers who felt Balls wasn’t the right choice of host to offer a balanced line of questioning to the landlord.
On X, formerly Twitter, one viewer articulated: “This is EXACTLY WHY a Labour politician even though retired he’s still behind Labour who’s wife is in the cabinet SHOULDN’T be involved with political issues as he is 100% biased which is very bad for journalism? He slated the tories in power now he’s defending Labour in power?”
A second echoed: “I am sorry @GMB but Ed Balls cannot continue in this position. He is compromised beyond belief and we all know his agenda – which he does not even mask very well. How you still have him as one of the hosts is unbelievable! OFCOM is clearly not fit for purpose and you are fast losing credibility!”
Meanwhile, a third praised Westwood: “Every pub in the UK is full of men and women like Michael, all raging about this government.”
Call a General Election – Petitions https://t.co/ZhVgi7uGLG
— Michael Caine (@themichaelcaine) November 25, 2024
“Whataboutery – there’s a surprise from @edballs,” a fourth criticised. “Labour ‘promised’ to be different in some ways they are – free speech restrictions bring one. However, they lied and the Tories lied and that’s why people are abandoning both parties in their droves.”
And another concurred: “Ed, I’m so disappointed in you. This interview should have been so much better, he was talking about what Liebour is doing to our country, not what the tories did. Honestly!!!”
However, there were some viewers who sided with Balls on the social media platform, including one who posted: “Where was his petition during past 4 years when Tories created biggest cost of living crisis in 50 years, had energy bills soar so high impacting the poorer, Tories misappropriation of public funds on lucrative Covid contracts to their wealthy mates that produced nothing etc etc.”
“Shame on GMB for platforming this nonsense,” a second critic also slammed. (sic)